Crossmark Policy

What is Crossmark?

Crossmark is a multi-publisher initiative by the Crossref Organization to provide a standard way for readers to locate the authoritative version of a document. By applying the Crossmark logo, the UOCHJRS is committed to maintaining the content it publishes and to alerting readers to changes if and when they occur. Clicking on the Crossmark logo will provide the current status of a document and may also provide additional publication record information about the document.

Corrections will be made if there is a serious error in the report or if the error impairs understanding of the report (corrections will not be made for minor errors such as spelling mistakes). The corrected report will replace the original and a correction notice will be published explaining the amendments that have been made. The UOCHJRS content that will have the Crossmark icon is restricted to current and future journal content and limited to specific publication types as mentioned below:

Publication Types

Article Type

Short Description


Publication item giving additional information regarding another publication item, mostly presenting additional results.


Letter to the editor or a reply to the letter.


Argumentative communication, like papers in a discussion, but also perspectives, commentaries, etc.


Article in which errors are reported that were made in an earlier publication in the same journal. Can be Erratum (publishing error) but also Corrigendum (author error).

Full-Length Article

Complete report on original research.


The text of the article is removed. The HTML pages and PDF pages of the article are completely removed and replaced by a single page with citation details and an explanation.


The text of the article is retracted. The HTML pages are replaced by a single page with citation details and an explanation. The PDF pages remain with a watermark on every page to notify it is retracted.

Review article

Substantial overview of original research, usually with a comprehensive bibliography, generally also containing a table of contents.

Short Communication

Short report or announcement of research, usually claiming certain results, usually with a shorter publication time than other papers in the same publication. Appear under many names, such as Letter Papers, Preliminary notes, Notes, etc.

Short Review

Short or mini-review.


For details of the UOCHJRS policy on making corrections to published articles, please review the COPE Guidelines for Retracting Articles.


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