A Comparative Review of Zakat’s Systems Prevailing in Pakistan and Egypt


  • Waqas Ahmad Phd Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, National University of Modern Language Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Dr. Amjid Hayat Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, National University of Modern Language Islamabad, Pakistan




Pakistan’s Zakat System, Egypt’s Zakat System, Comparison, Nexus, Benchmark


The design of this article is to analyses the prevailing structure of Zakat’s System (alms due) claimed to be regularized in Pakistan and Egypt۔ It has been noticed that systems of both countries have a number of parallels and look similar to each other along with some other matchless aspects in structure and function with respect to their local circumstances and ground realities. These analytical and comparative approaches indicate that both systems of Zakat may share different techniques from each for their better performance. This study also contains the implemented structural sketch, mode of receiving and disbursement in both countries comparatively. As the true message and awareness regarding Zakat is the part of law in Egypt and role of media to educate the nation concerning its religious importance and understanding are also the valuable steps. Similarly, modern economic concept of money flow and some tactics may also be enhanced like to broadcast the importance of Zakat, give and take of alms due etc which may be incorporated officially in system of Zakat working in the Pakistan observing framework of each.

